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Monday, April 19, 2010


What is Karate?

Karate is a Japanese sport (Art), unique in character development, self defense, potential and confidence building. Karate was developed on the island of Okinawa from the 17th century and brought in the Japan in the early 20th century. The basic techniques of Karate are divided into 4 groups namely BLOCKING, PUNCHING, KICKING, and STRIKING. In combat, Karate needs not only these techniques but also other like power, speed, timing, rhythm, breathing, and in the same time it requires a sound spirit and strong principles of behavior & respects.

The ultimate aim of Karate is not only to defeat an opponent in competition but also to develop perfect character over coming mental and physical suffering under rigorous discipline.

The founder of “Shotokan Karate” and the father of modern karate Gichin Funakoshi has said that “Mind & technique become one in true Karate”. True Karate in daily life one’s mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humanity, and that in critical times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice.

The word Karate is a combination of two Japanese characters; Kara meaning empty and te means hand thus Karate means “Empty hand” or in other words, Karate is considered as a complete way of life that goes well beyond the self-defense applications. In traditional Karate-do, we should keep in mind that the true opponent is our self.
 Gichin Funakoshi


Kata are the traditional predetermined forms or patterns of karate. In the Shotokan system there are 27 kata ranging from beginner to advanced. Each kata teaches various principles of movement and self defence appropriate to the level of the practitioner. Also, within the moves of the different kata are various exercises for improving breathing, balance and co-ordination. 


Kumite (sparring) is where the techniques practiced in kihon and kata are applied against an opponent. There are different formats of kumite designed for developing different skills, and appropriate for practitioners of different levels.
In the most basic and controlled forms (kihon kumite), everything is predetermined and the attacker and defender each know exactly which techniques will be used and when. Then, at the opposite end of the spectrum is jiyu kumite (freestyle sparring), where techniques are exchanged freely. This jiyu-kumite forms the basis for competition karate. 


The style of Shotokan contains many kata.  Most have changed over the years but the basics remain the same.  No matter what school you go to you will see differences in the execution of each Kata as well as the order in which they are performed.  Here is a list of the Shotokan Kata as well as some info on each:

- Taikyoku Shodan: This is the most basic Kata in Shotokan.  
- Heian Shodan: "Peaceful Mind One"  The first of the Heian series.
- Heian Nidan: "Peaceful Mind Two" The second of the Heian series.
- Heian Sandan: "Peaceful Mind Three"
- Heian Yandan: "Peaceful Mind Four"
- Heian Godan: "Peaceful Mind  Five"
- Tekki Shodan: "Iron Horse Riding" The first in this series of Kata.
- Tekki Nidan: "Iron Horse Riding Two"
- Tekki Sandan: "Iron Horse Riding Three"
- Bassai-Dai: "To Penetrate a Fortress" the only offensive Kata is Shotokan.
- Gankaku: "Crane on a Rock"
- Empi: "Flying Swallow"
- Kwanku-Dai: "To Look to the Sky" Also known as Kanku-Dai
- Hangetsu: "Half Moon"
- Jion: meaning unknown
- Jutte: "Ten Hands"
- Bassai-Sho: The Lesser Bassai
- Kwanku-Sho: The Lesser Kwanku
- Chinte: Thought to have originated as a folk dance.
- Sochin: "Grand Suppression"
- Nijushiho: "Twenty-four Directions"
- Meikyo: "Bright Mirror"
- Gojushiho-Dai: "54 Directions"
- Gojushiho-Sho: "The Lesser Gojushiho"
- Unsu: "Cloud Hand"
- Wankan: "Kings Crown" also known as Matsukaze
- Jiin: "
Temple Grounds



Anko Itosu, October 1908
Karate did not originate from the way of Buddhism or from the way of Confucianism. In the not-too-distant past, both Shorin-ryu and Shorei-ryu were introduced from China. Both styles have many similarities and they both have their strong points. They should not be changed. I would like to make a record of the following things:
1. The main purpose of Karate is for health benefits. It is appropriate to fight an antagonist if your purpose is to safeguard your country or those who preside over you. When you fight, you should have no hesitation to lose your own life if necessary (the resolute acceptance of death). Never fight an enemy without good reason. If you encounter a criminal or a ruffian, don’t fight him if you can help it, but just block as you evade, stepping out of the way.
2. The purpose of Karate is to make the body like iron, or as hard as rock. Your hands and feet should be used like the points of arrows. Your heart should be mighty and bold. If children would practice Karate from the time they are in elementary school, they would be well prepared for the time they are to serve in the Armed Forces. After the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon, he mentioned the fact that that tomorrow's triumph will come from today's school yard.
3. Karate cannot be learned in a short amount of time. A bull that walks very slowly will, in due time, travel a thousand miles. In like manner, if you study and practice earnestly each day, in three or four years you will understand what the core of Karate is about. Indeed, the very shape of your bones will change.
You will discover the essence of Karate if you follow these points:
4. In Karate, the "fist-foot" or fist and foot is a very important point. You should train them thoroughly on the makiwara. When you do it, drop your shoulders, open your lungs, take hold of your strength, grip the floor with your feet and sink your ch'i to your lower abdomen. Exercise with each arm one to two hundred times.
5. When you are practicing Karate stances, make sure your back is straight, drop your shoulders, take your strength and put it in your legs, stand firmly and direct the ch'i into your lower abdomen. You must hold the top and bottom of your abdomen together tightly.
6. You should practice the external techniques of Karate one by one, repeated over and over again, many times. These things are passed down verbally. Therefore, it is very important to spend the time and effort to learn the explanations and decide when and how they should be used. Go in, counter, release; is the rule of torite.
7. You must decide for yourself why you practice Karate, whether it is for making your body more healthy or for improving yourself in doing your duties.
8. During practice you should imagine that you are in a real battle. When blocking and striking make your eyes glare, drop your shoulders and harden your body. Then block the incoming punch and then strike him. Always practice with this spirit so that when you are in a real battle, you will be well prepared to be able to react naturally.
9. Do not overexert yourself during practice, because your ch'i will rise up, your face and eyes will turn red and you will bring injury to your body. Be careful of this.
10. In the past, many of those who have become experts in Karate have lived to an old age. This is because Karate helps to develop the bones and sinews. It also helps the digestive tract and is good for blood circulation. Therefore, from this time forward, Karate should be the foundation of all lessons in sports from the elementary schools on up. If this is the way it is done from now on, I think that there will be many people who, when they are alone and outnumbered, will literally be able to win against ten attackers.
The reason for writing all this is that, in my opinion, all students at the Okinawa Prefectural Teachers' Training College should practice Karate, so that when they graduate, they will be able to teach the school children the same way I have taught them. I predict that within ten years Karate will spread all over Okinawa and then to the Japanese mainland. This will be a great asset to the military and to our society. I expect that you will carefully study the words I have written here.

Hirokazu Kanazawa

Hirokazu Kanazawa  (born 3 May 1931) is a world-renowned Japanese master of Shotokan karate. He is the Chief instructor and President of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Federation, an organisation he founded after he left the Japan Karate Association (JKA). Kanazawa is ranked 10th dan in karate.

One of the world's most renowned and respected traditional karate masters alive, Kanazawa Shihan is the only karateka ever to have won the notorious ‘All Japan Karate Championships’ an incredible three times in a row. On one occasion he won the finals while nursing a broken wrist from an earlier event. In recent years, his eldest son, Nobuaki, has preserved the family reputation by winning the current All Japan Championships.
Although Kanazawa is now a dedicated Karateist he started out originally as a Judoist. While in high school he held the 2nd Degree rank. After graduation he enrolled at Nippon University. One day, however, he happened to see students from another university practicing Karate. Impressed by their skills, he decided immediately to learn this art of self defense. The students he had seen were from Takushoku University which, at that time, was the most active in Karate participation, and his desire to learn Karate was so strong that he switched to Takushoku
Kanazawa soon became the protege of the late headmaster of the Shotokan style, Matsatoshi Nakayama (10th Dan) and is one of the few remaining karateka privileged to have studied under Master Gichin Funakoshi.
It took Kanazawa one and one half years of disciplined training to attain the 1st Degree rank After three years he gained the 2nd Degree rank and passed the other members of the club who had started before him. 
In 1956 he passed the exam for 3rd Degree rank and also passed the instructor's exam. The first All-Japan Karate Tournament was held in Tokyo in 1957. Kanazawa's right hand had been broken at this time, and he was not going to participate. His mother, however, had come in from the country to watch him, and not wanting to disappoint her, he decided to enter in at least one match. A doctor had to follow him around to check on the injured hand and make sure it had not been aggravated in any way after each match. Using his left hand to fake and block and saving his bandaged right hand for the precise moment, he won all matches on clear one-point blows. 
Kanazawa has sustained many injuries. He has had two broken hands, broken fingers, an injured shoulder and spine, and has had to have stitches over his right eye and right ear. He is quick to point out that these injuries were his own fault.

In addition to Kanazawa Shihan’s mastery of karate-do and expertise with various traditional weaponry, he also has a very extensive knowledge of Chinese art of Tai-Chi, having studied it to its conclusion under professor Wong for more than thirty years.

Currently, Kanazawa Shihan is both Chairman and World Chief Instructor of the world's largest Shotokan Karate organisation, the Shotokan Karate-do International Federation, with in excess of two and a half million members worldwide, in one hundred and  three countries (at the last count). In April 2000, while attending the 7th S.K.I.F. World Championships in Bali, Shihan Kanazawa was promoted to the grade of 10th Dan. He is currently the only living Shotokan Master to hold the grade of 10th Dan. Although having such a formidable pedigree and being accorded legendary status, Kanazawa Shihan is also extremely charismatic but easily approachable. Being a natural teacher and communicator, he chooses to spend individual time with as many of his students as possible. Demand for his services, worldwide, is on the increase and his schedule is extremely intense.

1 comment:

  1. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW what a beautiful knowledge about karate, thx dear
